Thursday, March 31, 2011

Was it the water?

Wow! My blood sugar was NORMAL today for the first time in months and months! What a relief! I had to get up and eat immediately, as I was feeling shaky.

This is GREAT news.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Slow but sure

Latest update includes the fact that I released another pound, so now down 29 pounds. One more pound and it will be 30. Hopefully I will release another 20 after that. I had made a personal goal to lose 50 pounds this year. Looks like I am well on my way!

I started drinking Kangen water this week, so that may change some of my results for the better. I know that others have had dramatic changes in their blood sugar after drinking Kangen water for awhile. I know we aren't supposed to make health claims, but my hopes are high.

Most of my exercise has been coming from walking. At least I have been, and I find that my step is stronger and lighter. I enjoy it more, and don't feel lower back pain after a half a mile anymore. Yay!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

It's happening, even when you don't see it.

This week, I've been busy and haven't been able to make it to the gym yet. However, I've been walking, and last night I did something completely different - Tai Chi! It was interesting. I have to admit, though, I'd prefer to take a brisk walk or dance or ride on the exercise bike at the gym. I miss the gym. (Did I really say that???)

Blood sugar is continuing to be very stubborn, which has me more than concerned.  I even upped my medication to try to make it come down, but nada. I may have to see a medical doctor soon.

However, weight continues to go down. I have now lost 28 pounds! AND I have the satisfaction of knowing that I am eating REALLY well! That HAS to be making a difference, even if I don't see it yet.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Working it!

It's been a great week. I started a new part time job that I love which is less than a mile from my house. I've also been continuing with getting exercise just about every day, whether it be the gym or walking.

Because I don't have a car right now, I sometimes find myself walking to or from work or on some days when I have other things to do, riding the bus. This usually means walking more, often from one bus stop to another, and sometimes I have found myself walking about 2 miles in a day. I consider this very good!

The job fits with my eating schedule pretty well, so I have been able to keep up with my meal plan. Still going strong in that department.

I noticed this morning that I lost another 2 pounds, for a total of 27 pounds released to date. I like that!

Blood sugar is still too high, even with this very stringent diet, regular exercise, and lots of affirmations. However, I learned a bio-energetic technique today that may help. I'll keep you posted.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Feeling Great!

Thursday already! And what a week it has been!

I went to the gym on Tuesday night, but last night I had a meeting and couldn't make it. Plus I am pretty tired. I have been really busy all week, and only getting about 4-5 hours of sleep.

I am actually finding, because of my busyness, I haven't been getting in all of my snacks. One would THINK that would make me lose more weight, right? Wrong. I have been bouncing up and down a pound or two, but this morning, still holding solid at 195. My blood sugar has shown no sign of improvement at all, even with exercise in the mix. *sigh*

On the whole, though, I feel great - better than ever. And I am loving the compliments I am getting as my weight release starts showing more on my body.

Tonight my intention is to go to the gym, which means I will have gone three times this week, and I am aiming for four or five times.

Do you believe it? I am going to the gym!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Exercise Makes a Difference!

I was away at a three-day seminar this past weekend, and although I prepared my own lunch each day, and stayed within the parameters of the diet, I found that I had one more snack per day, usually of nuts. That's all that really changed from my normal routine. And what happened?

I gained 2 pounds back! Who would think that one more snack per day for three days would have that effect?

Well, I realize it was something more than that. Most of the seminar took place in chairs. We didn't have much chance to move around - not even as much as my usual walking and moving within a typical day. There was some dancing, which I took advantage of, but I was acutely aware that my body is used to eating like this now, and the next step is to ramp up the exercise.

Good thing I went to the gym the other day, breaking that stigma. I have every intention of going this week at least three times if not more.

Exercise really does make a difference!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Gym!

Yes, I did it! I went to the gym! It's been so long since I have darkened those doors that I didn't know that they don't swipe membership cards anymore. They have some kind of finger-scanner set up. I'm sure it works on some sort of energy that probably produces low levels of radiation, but I am thinking it's probably no worse than my wireless mouse. So, I registered to use their handy finger-scanner in the future. Avery, however, would rather use his license than put his finger in that thing. Ah, how times change.

Yes, I brought Avery with me. I bought him a one-month membership with a Groupon special so that I would have moral support to go, until I re-develop the habit. It's very nice to have company! It also felt just fine to be back at the gym. What fears had I built up in my mind that kept me away? I honestly have no conscious idea!

At the gym, I did 20 minutes on the stationary bike. There were two kinds. I did 10 minutes on each kind, so I could try them both. Then I did about 20 minutes of strength training on various machines, working arms, legs, and abs. That felt like enough so we left.

When I got home, I felt weak and hungry. I took a shower, and then made that new veggie drink which hit the spot.

I'll bet I will feel these muscles tomorrow! In the meantime, though, I am staying uber-hydrated today!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

New Month, New Additions to the Program

I met with Debbie today and she added a few things to the program.

The first thing she added is an old friend of mine - psyllium, with some additional ingredients known to lower blood sugar. She wants me to take it twice a day. Ah, I am already doing so much fiber. But I know she knows best, so I will do it. I have friends who do psyllium every single night - and not just one or two teaspoons either. The stuff works! So, psyllium, we meet again, albeit in a different form :)

The next thing she added is a green drink - but not just one of those powdered green drinks from a can. This is made of actual greens, chopped up in the blender with some organic vegetable broth and a few other things. I need to drink it twice a day! How the heck am I going to get to do that? I haven't figured that one out yet logistically. Often, I leave my house at 10 in the morning and not home again until 8 at night. Perhaps those are the two times - just before leaving, and just coming home. I'm sure I will figure it out.

The third thing she added is exercise! I AM going to exercise! I actually took action and bought my partner a one month membership at my gym so we can go together - just to get me into the habit of going again. He actually has been quite supportive about taking walks with me every few days also. I know that once I get into going to the gym again, I will continue to do so. I just have to break through this barrier and start going. It will help if I have someone's hand to hold as I start out.

She has also ordered me some new supplements that should also help with lowering my blood sugar levels. I know that combining these new supplements along with the new additions above and exercise will do the trick.

Oh, and I lost another two pounds - total weight lost since Nov. 1st is 25 pounds! And people are starting to notice! I love that. :)