Sunday, June 5, 2011

New Habits = New Results

On Friday, I weighed myself, as I do most mornings, and I was down another pound, making it a total of 39 pounds lost since Nov. 1, 2010. One more pound to 40. And 6 more pounds to release before the end of July (to reach my goal).

Last night I went to a party. It was a potluck, and as usual, I brought stuff I could eat, to be sure I had stuff I could eat. It started out well, but so many people brought so many wonderful things that I decided to have a few "tastes." Honestly, I didn't overdo, but I did do more than usual. A couple of blue corn chips here, a sliver of mint chocolate brownie there. The result? My blood sugar was up this morning (surprise, surprise), and my weight was back up 1.5 pounds.

It got me thinking about how we sabotage ourselves - that internal thermostat we have for success, and how much we believe is "right" for us. I realize I do it to some extent with my weight, as well as in other areas of my life.

Now, I know that my weight will go back down, and that this is temporary. I know that my blood sugar will correct again as I resume eating in my normal way. I know I am creating new habits in my life that will keep me getting healthier and healthier, so I also know I am on the right track.

AND, I do not feel guilty for enjoying a few treats last night. And I DID enjoy them! The memory of that spicy bean dip lingers....

However, seeing the results of those decisions right away, as I did this morning in my blood sugar reading and my weight, can be used as reinforcement for staying on track.

How can this be applied to other areas of my life?

The best we can do to change our inner thermostat is to build new habits, and when it comes to my health, that is exactly what I am doing. The same principle can be used for growing my business or growing wealth.

New habits = new inner thermostat settings = new results.