Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I am home from our cruise and my big news for the day is that I managed to LOSE 2 pounds since I left last week. Isn't that amazing? Most people GAIN 5-10 pounds on a cruise!

And I didn't deprive myself either. I just limited portions.

Truly, though, it was a Royal Caribbean Cruise and I was delighted to see very healthy options for dinner each night. I was able to stay pretty much on track for most of the cruise. I indulged in a few healthy dessert options, and even there, I am happy to say that I only had a few bites each time.

My typical meals on the cruise were to have an omelet with vegetables and salmon for breakfast, accompanied by some plain yogurt and fruit. For lunch I had a green salad each day plus a bit of protein. For dinner, as I mentioned, I chose the healthy heart choice each evening, which usually meant a nice cut of fish and some vegetables. I kept my fish consumption to 3 ounces per meal and gave the rest to my partner.

I snacked on almonds in between meals.

It became apparent that I would have a difficult time doing the protein shake while on the cruise. I am really happy to be back home where I can do the plan in earnest for the next week.

I'll let you know how it goes.

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